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How to navigate in Labster's new 2024 simulations
How to navigate in Labster's new 2024 simulations

Our new Series simulations have updated visuals and navigation. Here's how to progress within the lab.

Updated over 11 months ago

In 2024, Labster has started releasing a handful of simulations in an updated format. Here are the key navigation improvements

Dr. One

  1. Dr. One is located in the lower-left corner of your screen.

Begin your Labster experience by engaging in interactive conversations with Dr One to help you with the simulation flow, aligning with your learning objectives.

New Task & Mission

2. The task notifications are located in the top right corner

The task will keep you on track, highlighting your next steps as you navigate through the simulation.

3. Mission tab

You can click on the mission tab to learn about the tasks and missions.

Interacting with Objects

Look for emphasis marks that guide you to these interactive elements, whether it's approaching a hollow projector or equipping yourself with safety equipment from the lab coat rack by clicking on it.

Tracking Progress

You can track completed tasks and monitor your progress on the mission tab. Blue dots signify completed tasks.

Quizzes and Feedback

Toward the end of the simulation, you'll encounter quizzes. Answer questions by selecting the options provided. Feedback will be given for both correct and incorrect answers.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.

To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:

click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen

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