The Labster Status Page is a crucial resource for staying informed about the health and operational status of Labster's services.
If Labster is experiencing an outage, we will update this page.
How will Labster communicate in case of an outage?
If, while playing a simulation, you receive a 503, 504 or 404 Error message, most likely Labster is experiencing an outage.
We have a dedicated Status page that will let you confirm if our Product is not working as expected.
How to access the Labster status page?
From this link:
Or from the footer of our Help Center by clicking on "Labster Satuts Page"
How often is the status page updated?
The status page is updated in real time as we identify and resolve issues. During ongoing incidents, we aim to provide updates at regular intervals until resolution.
If any issues that affect all our users is detected, then will it there
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
🔵click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
📚 Help Center article Contact Support
📧 or by email: