If you encounter any issues with accessing or sharing simulations using our Google Classroom product, please refer to the troubleshooting steps provided here.
Can't access the course as a student or share simulations?
This might be a temporary issue with your account. Please try the following steps:
Log out of Labster;
Navigate to Google’s My Account Page;
Click on the “Security” tab on the left;
In the middle of the page, you will see the "Your connections to third-party apps & services" section. You can click on the "See all connections button":
Search for Labster and open the menu:
Once on the Labster App page, click on the "Delete all connections you have with Labster" button and Confirm that you wish to delete the connections.
Finally, please log in again and you should see a prompt to allow permissions. After allowing everything, everything should work as expected.
If the troubleshooting above doesn't fix your issue, please share the steps below with the G Suite Administrator of your institution.
It can be the case that for some organizations, G Suite administrators might have set restrictions on which scopes applications can access. In this case, it might be necessary for that administrator to whitelist the Labster application. While we’re asking teachers and students to give us access to certain scopes, depending on the G Suite policy, Google may require administrators to consent on behalf of teachers and students.
Whitelisting application as G Suit administrator can be done by following these steps:
Login to Google Admin Console;
Go to the App Access Control page;
Click the “Add app” button;
Choose “OAuth App Name or Client ID”;
Search by this ID: 454627250662-4irf7i4e2nusl6bjn6gpepl6oaqa9afa.apps.googleusercontent.com
You should see “Labster” in the drop-down;
Click add.
Teachers and students should be able to use Google Classroom integration now, if not - try removing access to Labster as stated at the beginning of this article.
The full article for whitelisting is available here.
It is also important that the Labster application has Trusted, Unrestricted access to Google Classroom. This should be configured by the G Suite Administrator, as outlined in this article.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
🔵click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
📚 Help Center article Contact Support
📧 or by email: customer.support@labster.com