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(Instructor) How to add Labster simulations to your course via Canvas API
(Instructor) How to add Labster simulations to your course via Canvas API

How to add Labster simulation to your course an as Educator.

Updated over 5 months ago


  • Your school LMS Admin has to register the Labster tool prior to you adding the simulations to your course.

  • You must be onboarded in Labster CSI by your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager.

  • You must have either teacher or administrator credentials to be able to edit the course.


If your Labster doesn't look like the following screenshots, then your Institution has opted for a different integration Protocol.

Please check this article instead

Step-by-step instructions

Access Labster from Canvas

  1. Log in as an instructor to Canvas

  2. Your LMS Admin should have added Labster as an External Tool. You should see “Labster” in the Canvas course navigation

  3. Click on Labster.

    You will see this screen 👇To access Labster, you need to click the “Launch in new tab” button

  4. Clicking the blue button opens the Labster interface in a new browser tab.

Import your Canvas Courses to Labster

  1. You need to sync your Canvas LMS courses to Labster first

  2. Click on “Import courses” in your Labster account

  3. Choose the course(s) that you wish to add Labster simulations to

  4. Click 'Import' to add them to Labster.

Sync the LMS student roster to Labster

  1. Once the course is added, you will want to sync your student roster

  2. Choose all your students from the list, and click 'sync'

**Note: If students are added to your course partway through the year, you will need to come back and sync the roster again to add new students.

Students who have not been synced to the student list will receive an "authorization failed" error.

Add Labster simulations to your course

  1. Click on the "Content" and then click on "Add Content"

  2. In the Catalogue, you can set filters based on subject/discipline, or education level. Below, you will see different "courses". Upon opening a course, you have the option to either add the whole course (which contains suggested simulations for the desired course), or you can open the units to browse the simulations associated with that subject.

    3. When content is added to the Labster API interface, it will automatically appear as an assignment in Canvas.

Add co-instructors

  1. Users who have “Teaching Assistant” or “Designer” roles in the Canvas course can join the Labster course as Co-Instructor

You need to select the Co-Instructor and click on "Sync". The co-instructors will be added to your Labster course.

Co-instructors can access Labster from the Canvas course navigation menu.

Once in Labster, co-instructors can perform the same tasks as main instructors (sync students, add assignments, resync grades etc.)

How can students access Labster simulations?

Students have two ways to access Labster simulations: through the "Assignments" section or within "Modules." If you choose to include Labster simulations in "Modules," you must first add them as assignments and then import those assignments into Modules.

Canvas Assignment Settings

Labster automatically synchronizes with the assignment settings in Canvas. This means that any configurations you apply to assignments in Canvas will also affect Labster simulations, with Canvas overseeing these settings. Below we will mention how some assignment settings work with Labster:

  1. Submission Attempts: Determines the number of attempts students have to submit their work. It is important to note that students will still be able to play the simulations but their attempts will not be graded.

  2. Due Date: The deadline for assignment submission. It is important to note that students will still be able to play the simulation past the due date and their attempt will be submitted as "LATE" in your grade book.

  3. Available From/Until: Defines the period during which students can access and submit the assignment. After the 'Until' date, students will no longer have the ability to engage with or submit the simulation.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.

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