If you are playing Labster Serie Simulation - you can notice that there is no LabPad, you can see the notification Task on the top right - please contact directly our Support team!
We understand that sometimes you might want to move forward quickly in the simulation. However, our simulations are designed for progressive learning, where each mission builds on the previous one.
Skipping mission
❌Skipping specific missions is not possible.
Our simulations are designed so that at each step you learn and practice what you learn. Also, as you progress through the sim, you earn points by answering questions that will define your final score.
Reloading a simulation from a mission checkpoint
If you wish to replay a specific part or the whole mission, you can reload from latest checkpoint. You can do so from the LabPad.
When you reload a simulation from the last checkpoint, it will bring you back at the beginning of the mission. Please note that reloading too often the mission from the beginning might be considered as cheating and the first score will be consider.
If you are stuck in a simulation please check this article.
Playing again a simulation
If a simulation has been completed, then you have the ability to replay a mission or the entire simulation from the beginning given you have not reached the attempt limit or if your instructor set the lab for unlimited attempts.
To do so, just go back to your assignment and click on the simulation again.
If you haven't finished the previous attempt, then you will have the option to "resume" or "start new".
If ever you have reached your attempt limit, you can still play the simulation however, your score on those attempts will not be graded anymore.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
🔵 click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
📚 Help Center article Contact Support
📧 or by email: customer.support@labster.com