Labster simulations provide an immersive, interactive educational experience, utilizing quizzes to test students' understanding of each concept. The number of quiz questions and the corresponding scoring system varies across different simulations.
❌Please note: Practice Activities are not graded (such as Balancing Equations: Mastering the process)
Number of Quiz Questions
Each Labster simulation contains a varying number of quiz questions depending on the length and complexity of the simulation.
The number of questions typically falls between 10 and 40 for most simulations. However, our more concise titles may feature as few as 3 questions. As a result, the maximum potential scores can range from 30 to 400 points.
To progress through the simulation, students must answer each quiz question correctly.
Scoring System
The number of points awarded for each question depends on the number of attempts a student takes to answer correctly:
Answered correctly on the 1st attempt: 10 points.
Answered correctly on the 2nd attempt (after 1 incorrect answer): 8 points.
Answered correctly on the 3rd attempt (after 2 incorrect answers): 6 points.
Answered correctly on the 4th attempt (after 3 incorrect answers): 4 points.
Answered correctly on the 5th attempt (after 4 incorrect answers): 2 points.
Regardless of the number of incorrect attempts, the minimum number of points awarded for a question is 2.
Preventing Score Inflation
To discourage cheating or score inflation, Labster's system retains the first answer to a quiz question after a significant pause or several loads from the last checkpoint. Therefore, only the initial grade received during the attempt (prior to any corrections) will be transmitted to the Learning Management System (LMS) grade book and displayed on the Labster Dashboard.
If there is a discrepancy between the final simulation score and the grade on the Labster Dashboard, the Dashboard grade is the accurate one.
Repeated Attempts
Depending on the instructor's preferences, students may replay their simulations multiple times to achieve their desired grades. However, improving grades relies on correctly answering questions on subsequent attempts, not correcting answers within the same attempt.
Students are encouraged to utilize these repeated attempts to reinforce learning and to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the material.
You can see your grades in your Labster Dashboard. See below how to access your Dashboard if you are a:
Also, there are simulations wherein not all questions are asked in all “paths" so the number of questions asked might differ from one student to another.
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