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Stuck in a simulation? Quick (non technical) tips here.
Stuck in a simulation? Quick (non technical) tips here.

Quick tips if you get stuck in a simulation, if it froze, or you can't proceed as expected.

Updated over 7 months ago

If you are playing Labster Serie Simulation - you can notice that there is no LabPad, you can see the notification Task on the top right - please contact directly our Support team!

If you ever get stuck during a simulation, it's either your simulation encountered a technical glitch or you're not doing the expected steps to move forward with the simulation, here's how to troubleshoot.

First, always make sure that you are playing the simulation from a supported browser: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome,and at their latest version, glitches or issues may occur from an unsupported browser.

LabPad Detailed Instructions

If you are not sure what to do at a certain step of the simulation, click on the LabPad and carefully read the description. Ensure that you have followed all the LabPad instructions properly. 

Also, you can move your mouse around to see if an object gets highlighted, that might help!

Read the Theory Pages

To guide you through the simulation, in addition to the mission instructions, you can access the theory pages from your LabPad at any time.

Restart the Mission

You can always restart a specific mission, by clicking Load Checkpoint in the Mission tab on the LabPad.

Note: If you load the very first checkpoint, you will be routed from the beginning of the simulation.

This is helpful if you e.g. realize that you have completed the steps incorrectly, or would like to re-read some of the instructions from earlier steps.

Technical issues

If you think that the issue is technical, please check our Basic Troubleshooting guide:

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.

To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:

🔵 click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen

📚 Help Center article Contact Support

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