If you are accessing Labster through Google Classroom, you should receive an activation email from Labster to indicate your account has been set up. Once you activate your account you can proceed with the steps outlined below:
1. Log in
Visit my.labster.com and choose the 'Sign in with Google Classroom' option at the bottom of the login dialog box.
2. Allow sharing of information
'Sign in with Google' to allow Labster to share information with your Google Classroom courses.
3. Import your course(s)
Once you are logged in, click on 'Import Course' to add your Google Classroom courses to your Labster account.
4. Select your course(s)
Choose the course(s) that you wish to add Labster simulations to, and click 'Import' to add them to Labster.
5. Invite your students
Once the course is added, you will want to sync your roster by selecting a course under "My Courses", then go to "Students".
6. Sync your data
Choose all your students from the list, and click 'sync'
(Note: if students are added to your course partway through the year, you will need to come back and sync the roster again to add new students.)
7. You are now ready to start adding simulations!
Click on '+Add content' to browse the catalog and add individual simulations, or full course packages and units, then "Publish" simulations into your Google Classroom Course.
(Note: You will have to publish simulations to each of your Google Classroom courses if you have multiple sections.)
8. Search for simulations
From the catalog's page, there are two ways to search for simulations
Use the search bar on the top right of the page to find a simulation, unit, or course packages by entering keywords.
You can also use filters to narrow down your search. Click on "Discipline" or "Education level" and select what you are looking for.
9. Publish Simulations
Once you find the simulation, course package, or unit, simply click on "Add simulation", "Add Unit", or "Add Course". A message will pop up on top of the screen to confirm that the simulation has been added, and published to the course.
10. Set up the publication's details
Once a simulation is published, you can '+ set attempts' for students to limit the number of times they can play a graded attempt for a simulation.
11. Your students can play the simulations!
The simulation will appear in your Google Classroom course where students will be able to click to play the simulation.
They will likely be redirected to a login page from which they'll need to select the "Sign in with Google Classrooms" button
12. Follow their grades & progress
Once students begin to complete the simulations, you will be able to see their final scores in the Google Classroom gradebook, and you can also navigate to my.labster.com and click on 'Grades' to learn more about their attempts.
Check out this article to learn more about the Labster Dashboard.
It's important to note that we're always sending a percentage and setting the maximum score to 100. In the Gradebook view, it's easier to compare results when simulations are normalized to percentages since each can have a different maximum score.
Our system does not support points, and changing the maximum score in GC can result in incorrect scores.
Are you having issues accessing Labster through Google Classrooms? Visit this article that might help you troubleshoot some of the issues:
Does the error continue?
Unfortunately, there can be a multitude of reasons why the simulation fails to launch. This is due to errors happening either on a user's LMS or internally in Labster. To address this, please ask your student for the error message they encountered and send it to your Labster representative.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
🔵click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
📚 Help Center article Contact Support
📧 or by email: customer.support@labster.com