To play Labtser simulations on your Chromebook, you need to download the Labster app. Our app is designed to optimize simulation play for Chromebook users. See if your device is compatible.
Most Labster simulations are currently playable on the Chromebook app. Instructors can see if a simulation is compatible by looking for the Chrome symbol next to the simulation name.
Instructions on using the App
If you plan to play Labster simulations on a Chromebook, follow these 3 steps below:
STEP 1: Download the app on your Chromebook
Visit the Google Play Store, search for Labster, and then download the Labster app. You can also click here to download the app.
STEP 2: Log in to your LMS account or Labster account
If you are accessing Labster through our Course Manager (, all you need to do is open the Labster app and log in directly through the app, using your email address and password. Once you've logged in, you can follow these steps to navigate and access Labster simulations.
If you are accessing Labster through a Learning Management System (Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, Moodle, etc.), you will need to follow these steps:
STEP 3: Play the Simulation
Please keep the application open until the simulation fully loads. Once it loads, you’re ready to play the simulation on your Chromebook.
Enjoy an optimized experience! If you need to pause or exit the simulation at any time, simply press the Menu on the top left corner of the screen. As always, your progress and scores will be automatically saved to your Labster account.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
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