In this article, we will guide you through the process of configuring the Labster LTI 1.3 tool specifically for Blackboard. As an administrator, you play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth integration of the Labster tool into your learning management system. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices to successfully set up and optimize the Labster LTI 1.3 tool within your Blackboard environment.
You must have Administrator credentials for the Blackboard installation to be able to set up the LTI 1.3 tool.
You must have received the client ID from your Labster Implementation Specialist.
Step-by-step instructions
Configuring the Labster LTI key
Login as administrator
Go to System Admin
Open LTI Tool Providers
Click the Register LTI 1.3 Tool button
Copy and paste the Client ID provided by Labster Implementation Specialist
On the page that loads, Copy the deployment ID and send it to your Labster Implementation Specialist along with your Blackboard domain (e.g.
To make sure the Labster tool works as expected, please check that the following settings are correct:
(They should be configured automatically, but if your institution has a certain privacy policy, you will need to manually set up the Institution's policies):
a) Tool Status: APPROVED
b) User Fields to Send
-Role in Course: CHECKED
-Name: CHECKED-Email Address: CHECKED
c) Allow grade services access: YES
Click Submit
Creating a placement for the Labster tool
The creation of a Labster placement for the tool you installed should occur automatically. However, to make sure that the implementation was successful, please manually check if it was created following the instructions below:
If you are using the Blackboard Original, the LMS admin needs to:
Go back to LTI Tool Providers
Find the just registered Labster tool in the registered tool list
Click on the down arrow next to its name and select Manage Placements
On the page that loads:
Fill in the Label as 'Labster' (this will be the name that instructors will be able to see when they are adding simulations)
Fill in the handle
Select the “Course content tool” option
Check the “Supports deep linking” checkbox
Fill in the Tool Provider URL input box with the domain you copied from step 6.b) (make sure to put https:// in front of it and a / at the end of the URL)
Submit the form
If you are using BlackBoard Ultra view, the LMS Admin needs to:
Go back to LTI Tool Providers
Find the just registered Labster tool in the registered tool list
Click on the down arrow next to its name and select Manage Placements
On the page that loads:
a. Fill in the Label as 'Labster' (this will be the name that instructors will be able to see when they are adding simulations)b. Fill in the handle
c. Select the ''Deep Linking content tool'' option
d. Check the ''Allow student access'' checkbox
e. Fill in the Target Link URL input box with the domain you copied from step 6.b) (make sure to put https:// in front of it and a / at the end of the URL)
You have now registered the Labster LTI 1.3 tool! To make sure that the implementation was successful, please go ahead and try adding a simulation in one of the courses following the instructions in the article below. 👇
Additionally, you can read more about the features and specifications of Labster <> LMS integration here.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
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