In this article, we will guide you through the process of configuring the Labster LTI 1.3 tool specifically for Sakai. As an administrator, you play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth integration of the Labster tool into your learning management system. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions, tips, and best practices to successfully set up and optimize the Labster LTI 1.3 tool within your Sakai environment.
You must have Administrator credentials for the Sakai installation to be able to set up the LTI 1.3 tool.
You must have received a custom tool URL from your Labster Implementation Specialist. This is the URL that you will need to apply on step 6 of the registration process.
Step-by-step instructions
LMS Admin must then Go to the Administration Workspace
Click External Tools
Click on the LTI Advantage Auto-provision button
Give the tool a name (any name will do) & click Auto-Provision
On the page that loads, click on the Use LTI Advantage Auto Configuration button in the top right corner.
On the page that loads, add the Auto Configuration URL provided by the Labster Implementation Specialist, and click Begin Configuration.
Review Form
Tool Title: Labster LTI 1.3 (or any tool title you prefer)
Tool Status: Enabled
Tool Visibility: Visible
Launch URL:
*Please note that the Launch URL will change depending on your geographical region: US,CA,UK,DE,AU
Set frame height to 800
Under privacy settings, checkmark both privacy settings boxes
Select all services
Select The tool can receive an LTI launch
Select The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch
Select Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types
*If you decide to incorporate Labster simulations through Lessons, please check mark "Allow the tool to selected from Lessons" - Utilizing Labster simulations via Assignments is the recommended method.
8. Click Save
You have now registered the Labster LTI 1.3 tool! To make sure that the implementation was successful, please go ahead and try adding a simulation in one of the courses following the instructions in the article below. π
Additionally, you can read more about the features and specifications of Labster <> LMS integration here.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
To get in touch with our Support Team, you can:
π΅click on the blue button located at the bottom right of the screen
π Help Center article Contact Support
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