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Grades, Score & Dashboard
Information on tracking progress and understanding score
10 articles
(Instructor) Labster Dashboard for LMSUnderstanding Labster Dashboard Insights - For Instructors who access Labster within their School's Portal (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle..)
(Instructor) Labster Dashboard: Follow your students' scores and progressAs an instructor, you can view all the student attempts and score information from your dashboard.
(Instructor) Labster Dashboard from Course ManagerUnderstanding Labster Dashboard Insights. Keep track of your student's scores & progress.
(Student) How to access simulations' scores & progress from your School PortalUnderstanding Labster Dashboard Insights. Keep track of your scores & progress on the top of your Gradebook.
(Student) How do I quote Labster as a source in my paper?Here is a suggestion to quote a Labster simulation in your paper or school exercise
(Student) How to access simulations' scores & progress from Course Manager?Understanding Labster Dashboard Insights. Keep track of your scores & progress.
How do I submit my grades after completion?Once you completed a simulation, here how to submit your grade.
Resuming simulation, saving points, and simulation attemptsResume or replay the simulation from the beginning as a new attempt.